- I first started off with a rough cut, on both sides.
- I tried using 1/8″ fine line tape to mark where I wanted my final cut to be.
- I ended up just using the bottom edge of the tank as my guide line and making the cut free hand.
- I made templates of each side and cut them out.
- Transferring the templates.
- I made the templates oversized to later be trimmed down for a tight fit.
Ok, so Sean came to me with a little project. He wanted to flatten the sides of his Honda tank, “the flatter the better”. I started out by making really rough cuts, just to get some material out of the way. Then I started to map out my final cut with 1/8″ fine line tape. This was working well, but in the back of my head I was remembering Sean saying “the flatter the better”. So, I noticed that the bottom seem of the tank was nice and flat. I was able to use that as my guide line to making a nice flat cut.
After I had my final opening I needed templates. The easiest way to make those is a set of dirty hands. I placed a piece of paper atop each opening. Then using my hands I rub the edge of the openings. This leaves a outline of the shape I need. When transferring the template I add a 1/8″ all the way around to make sure its oversized. I will latter trim it down to an exact fitment.
After I had the templates trimmed down it’s time to weld them on!! Sean also wanted a new gas cap and bung so I welded the one he provided in place. I was happy with the end result, at first I wasnt to sure about the flat sides. But seeing the finished product my opinion was changed. I ground down my welds, pressure tested for leaks. Oh yeah, Sean liked it too!!
I forgot to take photos of the finished tank so next time I see Sean hopefully Ill remember to take some.